Prioritizing When Everything is a Priority

In today´s episode of the ‘Professional Success Podcast’, host Sheila Boysen-Rotelli, a Master Certified Career Coach, Recruiter, and Talent Development Leader is talking about something that is particularly important because almost everyone seems to be experiencing this at least at some level of their career where we feel that everything is a priority. She discusses a few points on what we can do when it feels like everything is a priority.


Episode Highlights: 

·       These days we are all feeling like everything is on fire, and as more of us are working remotely or in a hybrid fashion, we're missing those in-person cues that help us to interpret where our leaders are feeling their greatest anxiety.

·       You're the only one who knows how much is on your plate; no one else can track that. Therefore, it's on you to step up and manage your boundaries and energy.

·       The reality is that what's important today might be less important or even irrelevant tomorrow, the backend by or the following day, everything is relative.

·       It's all about the context in the bigger picture and having those important conversations.

·       Whatever tips you follow, before you start, do a little research, and dig around. Sheila’s final tip is to consider the options beyond just yes and no.

·       The key is to recognize that there're lots of ways to add value without taking on the entire burden.


3 Key Points:

1.     The first step is to start with being bold. Sometimes overfilling our plates can leave us feeling like superheroes. Pushing for clarity takes courage and energy and it takes a willingness to be vulnerable to admit that you can't handle everything because you’re a human being. So start by recognizing, and raising the flag.

2.     If you were to look at each task on a project or everything that is on your plate, each of them would come out as a high priority. But the key is relativity, so look around you what's going on today, if anything important popped up. So, given everything that's going on our plates, we could pop into looking at what is taking place or what’s the context.

3.     High achievers are many things, but leveraging things built by others often is not one of them. We don't need to always reinvent the wheel. Borrowing from others doesn't make you lazy, it makes you strategic and it frees you up to invest your energy where it matters most. consider borrowing some of the great work that someone's already done, of course, give credit where it's due. As you look at your plate, identify if your workload is manageable, or if you're feeling overwhelmed, consider borrowing one of these strategies and test out how it works.