Do My Work Habits Serve Me?

On today´s episode of Professional Success Podcast, your host Sheila Boysen-Rotelli, shares  tips on some of the most common habits that we have to stop and the tactics that we can use to break away from them.


Episode Highlights: 

·       When a meeting request comes in, what if we asked better questions instead of checking our availability. We discuss what to do instead

·       Another work habit discussed is to rethink is responding immediately to an email in your inbox.

·       We want to communicate in a way that is authentic to ourselves, in a way that represents how we want to be communicated to others.

·       Bosses tend to be busy; they don't always have the time or the presence of mind to track everything that they've asked someone to do. So we discuss what to do about that.

·       Maybe you're always chasing that next promotion, without asking yourself, do I want that next promotion? We chat about how to tackle that question.



3 Key Points:

1.     Sheila discusses three work habits that we should all reconsider.

2.     The next time you receive a calendar invite, pause and reflect before you hit yes. Your time is precious, important, and it's a resource, and part of your job is to manage that resource wisely.

3.     Some emails do indeed need more immediate attention but, for many emails, it might even be better to sit on something for 24 hours because in that time, it's likely that there will be more data or information that can solve the problem.



Resources Mentioned:

·       Sheila Boysen-Rotelli: Website 

·       Podcast